You Have a S.C.O.R.E.® Level
Every thought you have falls under one of the five markers of the S.C.O.R.E.® System. At any given time you have a high or low level of Self-discpline, Concentration, Optimism, Relaxation and Enjoyment. The levels of these markers will determine your overall mindset.
A High S.C.O.R.E.® Level attracts the Zone
When all markers are balanced at a high level, a chemical concoction is released into the bloodstream that manifests the Zone mindset. This is all proven in
research done in 1974. The Zone is just as physical as it is mental.
The best in the world manage and influence thoughts
In order to produce the results that you want, you must be a world-class decision maker. A heightened awareness of your thoughts will bring you solutions when challenges arrive.
You have untapped potential
Knowledge alone isn’t enough to effect change. We emphasize actionable strategies and tools that individuals can apply in their daily lives, ensuring that every insight translates into tangible progress.
You are an integral part of something greater than yourself
No one achieves greatness in isolation. We foster a supportive, motivated community and team of individuals all striving toward their best selves. Together, we share successes, challenges, and the journey of continuous improvement.
You possess free will over your thoughts
This is good news and bad news. While you may not have direct influence on your thoughts, you have the power to change your thoughts.